
About Us

Some consider chess as a simple game, some a sport, some a pastime, some an art, some a tool to socialize.

I think the truth is somewhere in between and that chess is a mix of all of this. For me, chess is simply a deep passion: it can be dormant for some time, but then resurfaces when you least expect it.

Over time I realized that this happens to many lovers of the noble game.

In this blog I simply tell about my passion for chess. Here you will find some notes, links, tutorials, thoughts, games and internet resources related to the world of chess.

I have been an amateur player since I was 12 with long intervals where I have not played the game. Today I have lived in London for several years and I have participated in several local competitions obtaining several victories and excellent placings in amateur tournaments.

I hope that the novice can find interesting ideas to improve with my articles and that the experienced player will find valuable entertainment. Today I have limited time to devote to chess, but that doesn't stop me from having fun, getting to know people all over the world and relaxing with chess.

If you want to comment on some posts and share your progress with me, I'll be happy.

Thanks, 😜

Claudio Oliveri


My username on Lichess and

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